At RE:WIRED Green, Global Footprint Network’s David Lin and Mathis Wackernagel led attendees through a “choose your own adventure” session on how businesses will be valuable in the future of climate change and resource constraints. Watch their presentation and browse the resources they shared (below). The Wired event brought together scientists, innovators, and entrepreneurs to spotlight ways that human ingenuity can fight the climate crisis.
Track overshoot across the globe: The National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts (NFAs) provide comprehensive data on humanity’s demand on nature and nature’s capacity to meet that demand. Our interactive data platform shows the per-person Ecological Footprint and biocapacity of nearly 200 countries since 1961.
Check out options for the future: Play with our global Footprint scenario tool and pick possible futures for humanity. Choose key parameters that shape overshoot: how much each of us use, how many of us there are on the planet, how biocapacity develops, and how quickly changes in consumption and family size are implemented. The tool then displays how your choices would affect humanity’s trajectory.
Choose solutions you love: There is immense power of possibility in the many existing and economically viable solutions that are ready to be deployed at scale. With them, we can make ourselves more resilient and #MoveTheDate of Earth Overshoot Day. The Power of Possibility platform highlights many ways we can improve our resource security in five key areas.
How many Earths do you need? Use our mobile-friendly calculator (available in eight languages) to measure your Ecological Footprint, determine your personal Earth Overshoot Day, and learn about solutions to enhance your own, your country’s and humanity’s, resource security.