
Scotland, new biocapacity leader?

By Professor Pat Hanscom, Mathis Wackernagel, Ph.D., and Nicola Horsburgh   Scotland may be close to running a biocapacity reserve, becoming a biocapacity leader in its own right, new research from the University of Stirling has found. Scotland has about... Read More

WEBINAR: Choosing Our Future By Design Not Disaster

Watch the event recording On 22nd August, the world marks Earth Overshoot Day – the day when humanity’s demand for ecological resources and services in a given year exceeds what Earth can regenerate in that period. Over 80 countries marked... Read More

What COVID-19 teaches us about resource security

When hospitals in a high-income country like Italy quickly became overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients last February and as tensions were mounting over a shortage of sanitary masks with neighboring European countries like France, many of us suddenly encountered what our... Read More

How will COVID-19 affect the date of Earth Overshoot Day 2020?

Humanity’s efforts to contain the coronavirus pandemic, and the resulting economic slowdown, have reduced humanity’s Footprint. However, this is a far cry from the intentional changes we strive for. At Global Footprint Network, we envision a world where humanity transitions... Read More

The Fish Game and other fun online educational resources

Image from Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education Are you sheltering-and-educating-in-place due to COVID-19? We know this can be a challenging time trying to keep our lives together while, quite literally, saving the world from the confines of our homes. We... Read More

Le Jour du Dérèglement nous met-t-il sur la bonne piste ?

par Mathis Wackernagel, fondateur et President, Global Footprint Network Mathis Wackernagel Les Français ont désormais l’habitude. Chaque année à une date précise, les habitants de la planète sont informés qu’ils ont dépassé le budget écologique pour l’année. C’est le Jour... Read More