
One-planet living: Switzerland’s next commitment?

On September 25, Swiss voters will head to the polls to decide on a bold initiative to put Switzerland on the path of a green economy. Initiated by members of the Green Party and the Social Democrats, this ballot initiative... Read More

Can China transform into an ecological civilization?

Creating an economy that operates in harmony with nature is the centerpiece of China President Xi Jinpig’s vision of transforming the country into an ecological civilization. Can China become such a civilization? To find out, we engaged with the Province... Read More

Can the UK survive on its own?

In the wake of the stunning Brexit vote results, we ask, what does it take to the support the UK’s demand for natural resources? Consider this: The UK’s forest land only covers 3% of UK resident’s demand for forest products... Read More

Imagine happiness treading lightly on the Earth

How did you celebrate UN World Happiness Day last Sunday? All of us had plenty to chew on with the release of the World Happiness Report 2016—the fourth edition since 2012. Prepared by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an international... Read More


For the past half-century, the Philippines has run an ecological deficit, with its population demanding more renewable resources than the nation’s own ecosystems can provide. Although per capita demand on the country’s productive ecosystems has remained relatively stable, the Philippines’... Read More

State of the States Report

In 2015, the Ecological Deficit Day of the United States landed on July 14, according to our new report, “State of the States: A New Perspective on the Wealth of Our Nation,” co-authored by Earth Economics. A Twitter chat on... Read More

Today is the Ecological Deficit Day for the United States

OAKLAND, CA, USA—Today marks the date the United States has busted its annual ecological budget, utilizing more resources and services than U.S. ecosystems can regenerate within the full year, according to a new report released by Global Footprint Network, an... Read More


The most biologically diverse country in the world, Ecuador was once a place where natural wealth vastly exceeded what the population demanded to support its activities and absorb its CO2 emissions. Today, that surplus has all but evaporated, and the... Read More