Post Archive

COP-out: from MAD to SAD

by Mathis Wackernagel, Ph.D. Mathis Wackernagel, founder and president of Global Footprint Network There is a misconception that COP26 in Glasgow did not produce concrete decisions. But it did. World leaders decided that it is not worth saving the Maldives.... Read More

The future of food: 10 “impossible imperatives”

by Mathis Wackernagel, Ph.D., co-founder, and Marta Antonelli, Ph.D., Food Systems Project Lead, Global Footprint Network We are excited to initiate a multi-year collaboration exploring how to make the food system one-planet compatible. Our partners are Wageningen University and the Research Institute of... Read More

DREES & SOMMER: Tränen in den Augen der Finanzminister

Der gebürtige Baseler Mathis Wackernagel entwickelte nach dem Ingenieurstudium an der ETH Zürich im Rahmen seiner Doktorarbeit an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Kanada) gemeinsam mit dem Ökologen William Rees das Konzept des Ökologischen Fußabdrucks. Wackernagel leitet das... Read More

GREENBIZ: A mosaic of solutions for one-planet prosperity

Climate change is not the problem. It is merely the most dramatic symptom of a major challenge that humanity is reluctant to acknowledge: We use more goods and services from nature than ecosystems can sustainably renew. More precisely, we use... Read More

Ecobytes: Going nuts about cashews

This blog post is part of the Ecobytes series, where we explore interesting topics from Ecological Footprint and biocapacity data conducted and authored by our wonderful interns. This week, Samaya Rubio dives into data on cashews. Samaya is a blended... Read More

Perspectivas Ambientales con Verónica Arias C

¡En el 2021 el día del Sobregiro Ecológico fue el más temprano de toda la historia! Mathis Wackernagel presidente de Global Footprint Network nos explica porqué todo el mundo debería estar obsesionado con este tema. Read More