Post Archive

Explore the University Footprint Calculator!

The wait is over: after two years of hard work, the EUSTEPs project delivered the tool for Higher Education Institutions to measure their environmental impact, guide their efforts towards sustainability, and track their progress. Launched on April 1st, 2022, the... Read More

COSMOS: Earth-worthy accounting

There’s more than meets the eye in trying to get people to reduce their resource use – and it’s all in the numbers. The world’s population is currently using 1.75 Earths’ worth of resources. You’ve probably seen this statistic before,... Read More

VIRTUAL EVENT: Approaching climate with heart and teeth

Waiting for global consensus is a fragile climate strategy. This has become even more apparent since the Ukraine conflict. More effective is to recognize that the future context in which we will operate has never been more predictable: people will... Read More

COSMOS: Finding Australia’s biocapacity

We currently need 1.75 Earths to sustain Earth’s population. Last year, the world ran through a year’s worth of resources on the 29th of July. If everyone in the world lived like Australians, we’d use more than the Earth can... Read More

Celebrating highlights from 2021

There’s no sugarcoating it: 2021 turned out to be a challenging year for us all. However, we celebrate that it was also a year that brought biodiversity to the forefront of the public debate. Home-bound urban dwellers spoke out about... Read More

Remembering two biodiversity thought-leaders

By Mathis Wackernagel, Ph.D., Founder and President Along with the joy of Christmas came some sadness. We lost two dear advisors: Thomas Lovejoy and E.O. Wilson. My friendship with the amazing Tom Lovejoy began when he, Bill Rees, and I... Read More