Post Archive

RADIO SI: Interview with Dr. Alessandro Galli

Listen in as Dr. Alessandro Galli, Mediterranean Program Director at Global Footprint Network, is interviewed by RADIO Si during his participation in Summer School on Climate Change and Sustainability in Slovenia. Read More

EUSTEPs 4th Multiplier Event

The partners of the ERASMUS+-funded EUSTEPs project in partnership with Sustainable Development Solution Network Black Sea and Mediterranean present Sustainability in Action: Enhancing Universities’ Sustainability Teaching and Practices through Ecological Footprint (Multiplier Event E4) July 13th 10.00 am to 12.00... Read More

The Stockholm Syndrome

What does the Stockholm syndrome have to do with resource security? Read on! 50 years ago, from June 5–16, 1972, the United Nations held its largest ever gathering on development and environment: the Conference on the Human Environment, which convened... Read More

EUSTEPs Massive Open Online Course tutored session

The partners of the ERASMUS+-funded EUSTEPs project invite you to join the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) tutored session Sustainability and Ecological Footprint: From Theory to Practice online from May 16 to July 3, 2022. This MOOC aims to introduce... Read More

朝日新聞: エコロジカルフットプリントとは? 計算式や現状、削減方法を紹介

エコロジカルフットプリントとは、人間が自然環境にどれだけ負荷を与えているのかを示した数値です。現在、この数値は世界的に悪化しており、問題視されています。本記事では、脱炭素社会実現を目指すアクティビストが、エコロジカルフットプリントの定義や現状、減らすためにできることを解説します。 Read More

Implications of the Ukraine invasion: a resource overview

By Leo Wambersie, research associate, David Lin, Ph.D., chief science officer, and Mathis Wackernagel, Ph.D., founder and president The Ukraine invasion comes with heart-breaking human suffering. It will also impact people far away from the war as global supply chains... Read More