Post Archive

Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing

The Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing is, quite simply, the definitive reference work in the field. Carefully curated by leading tourism scholar Dimitrios Buhalis, this is the largest tourism management and marketing ontology that has ever been put together and... Read More

VIRTUAL EVENT: Global Goals Forum 2022

Watch the event recording The future is “VUCA” – volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. And so is globalization. But what comes next? What should the next trading system be? And what happens to the UN Sustainable Development Goals? The 2nd... Read More

Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2022

Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is an international event dedicated to food politics, sustainable agriculture and the environment. Come to Parco Dora, Turin, from September 22-26, 2022 to shape the future of food with us! You can meet over 600... Read More

Food security in a world of overshoot

Humanity’s demand for biological resources has outpaced our planet’s ability to regenerate resources since the 1970s (1). The persistence of this overshoot has led to tensions. Shocks in supply chains associated with the global pandemic and the Russian invasion of... Read More