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Earth Overshoot Day 2013, around the world

As of this week, we are in overshoot. Humanity has exhausted nature’s budget for the year. August 20 was Earth Overshoot Day 2013, the approximate date humanity’s ecological resource consumption exceeded what Earth can renew this year. A mere 34... Read More

Human development and the Ecological Footprint

Despite over $150 billion being spent annually in development globally, virtually nobody is tracking whether the achieved progress can last, or whether it is becoming increasingly fragile without the necessary access to nature’s resources. But this is changing. The United... Read More

Boulding Award

The International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) awards the Kenneth E. Boulding Memorial Award to those who embody the ideals of Boulding, a pioneer of ecological economics. The award was presented at the 2012 Conference of the International Society for... Read More

Blue Planet Prize

The Blue Planet Prize, an international environmental award, recognizes two individuals or organizations annually that make outstanding achievements in scientific research and application that help solve global environmental problems. The award is sponsored by the Asahi Glass Foundation, chaired by... Read More

Binding Prize

The Binding Prize is awarded by the Binding Foundation in Schaan, a principality of Liechtenstein. The foundation focuses on projects in the field of the environment and environmental sustainability. More than 100 individuals and organizations have been awarded the Binding... Read More

Globo Ecologio: Mathis Wackernagel

In its season premiere, the “Globo Ecologio” show features the Ecological Footprint, Global Footprint Network partner, ecosSISTEMAS, and an interview with Footprint co-founder, Mathis Wackernagel. “This first episode shows what Brazil is doing in order to decrease its Footprint and... Read More

Zayed International Prize for the Environment

The Zayed International Prize recognizes contributions to the field of sustainable and environmental development in support of global initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals, Rio +20, the Millennium Development Goals, Agenda 21, and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation for... Read More

San Francisco

In 2010, the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) teamed up with Global Footprint Network to explore the Ecological Footprint of San Francisco, a city that prides itself on leading the US in forward-thinking sustainability policies. With urban... Read More

San Francisco looks at its Footprint

In 2010, the San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR) teamed up with Global Footprint Network to explore the Ecological Footprint of San Francisco, a city that prides itself on leading the US in forward-thinking sustainability policies. With urban... Read More

Measuring the Footprint of the 'World's Greenest City'

Some 50 square meters of parkland per inhabitant. A food-for-trash program that supports a 70-percent citywide recycling rate: the highest in the world. A public transportation system that carries 1.9 million riders a day, 70 percent of commuter traffic. A... Read More