Post Archive

United Arab Emirates

When Global Footprint Network reported that the United Arab Emirates was the country with the largest per capita Ecological Footprint in the world (at almost 12 global hectares, Living Planet Report 2006), government leaders were determined to learn why. The... Read More

Mediterranean Brief Media Coverage

Media coverage from Global Footprint Network’s brief, “How can Mediterranean societies thrive in an era of decreasing resources? “ —released in October 2015. Click here for the original article & more.   Read the Mediterranean brief in English, French or Arabic.   ... Read More

Mediterranean Initiative

The Mediterranean is a unique biodiversity hotspot and tourist destination. One third of all tourists worldwide visit the Mediterranean region every year. Unsustainable consumption and development trends, however, threaten the ecological assets that are the Mediterranean region’s most valuable sources... Read More

Committing to a New Future

The United Nations launches global goals to achieve humanity’s collective dream: sustainable development Download Our Sustainable Development Poster This week marks an extraordinary moment for humanity. Representatives of 193 nations are convening in New York at the United Nations to... Read More


View page in Chinese As a leading global economic power, China is undertaking a transformation to become an ecological civilization, a human civilization living in harmony with nature. Guizhou Province is at a crossroads that exemplifies the challenge of constructing... Read More