Post Archive

Mother Earth Living: Plans for Living Sustainably

Taking the Footprint Calculator test, to me, is a great way to make the topic of sustainable living a personal one instead of just cold numbers floating up there on the internet or in a science textbook. Because the number... Read More

Impakter: Planetary prosperity means zero carbon

Mother Nature seems to be in full revolt. A stone’s throw from the city of Oakland, where Global Footprint Network is based, the seasonal Diablo winds recently reached record intensity, fanning the worst fires that the famous wine-producing region of Napa has... Read More

Friends of the Footprint Calculator

Friends of our Ecological Footprint Calculator around the world share their experiences using this popular tool as students and educators. Join our Adopt-a-Country campaign now to add languages and country data to the calculator to educate millions more people about... Read More

Salesforce: What happens when everyone wants one?

For every innovation, we need to include in our assessment some questions of the form: “What if this catches on?” Not merely the Dragons’ Den question of “Can this business scale?” – but the Global Footprint Network question of, “Can... Read More

One-Planet Cities

UPDATE: Watch Dr Wackernagel’s lecture Mathis Wackernagel, Global Footprint Network Founder and CEO, will be speaking at the Oskar von Miller Forum in Munich at 6:30 pm on 18 January 2018. For details in German, visit the Oskar von Miller... Read More

Mother Earth Living: Tracking Our Ecological Footprint

This discovery about ecological footprints, for me, happened in my senior year of college when I enrolled in an introductory environmental science class. I loved it because most of our labs consisted of us taking field trips to different off-site... Read More

Ecological Footprint: Unleashing Data for Sustainability

Program Director Laurel Hanscom will give a talk on the Ecological Footprint, our Footprint Explorer open data platform, and Earth Overshoot Day on Nov. 28 at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business. The event is being hosted by the  Berkeley... Read More