Post Archive

Olympics Data Story: North & South Korea

As the PyeongChang Olympics come to a close, we thought it would be interesting to explore the Ecological Footprints and biocapacities of North and South Korea. Watch the latest installment of our Data Stories series. And please subscribe to our YouTube... Read More

Data Stories: Ecuador

Ecuador is near and dear to the heart of Laurel Hanscom, our program director. She served there in the Peace Corps. It’s also on the cutting edge of environmental policy—it was the first country to recognize the rights of nature... Read More

IUCN: In the spirit of nature, everything is connected

To bring the natural system into balance, a new economy that is sustainable and respects the limits of natural resources and the functions of ecosystems is fundamental. This requires a shift in how we value, use and dispose of resources,... Read More

CincoDías: Obsolescencia programada: engaño al consumidor

Todos hemos contemplado alguna vez cómo aparatos que deberían tener todavía un buen funcionamiento se estropean sin motivo aparente. No los hemos maltratado ni dado un mal uso. Tampoco los hemos lanzado al vacío desde una altura considerable ni los... Read More

Be Good to the Environment in 2018

On the first day of my environmental science class, we took a very eye-opening quiz on our lifestyle choices and how they affect the planet. After entering in information such as how many miles we drive per week, how much... Read More

New Study Highlights Educational Benefits of Footprint Calculator

 A new study of the Ecological Footprint Calculator used in classrooms in Italy and the UK identified several educational benefits, including making sustainability personal for students and providing insight on how daily activities affect national and global sustainability. The... Read More