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Publico: Um novo olhar sobre o planeta

O dia da Terra, 22 de Abril, foi introduzido para nos levar a reflectir sobre o planeta onde habitamos. Actualmente, a humanidade vive à custa do consumo dos recursos renováveis da Terra como se houvesse mais dois planetas. Apesar destes... Read More

Saint Louis Climate Summit

Dr. Mathis Wackernagel is a panelist on Whole Earth Systems at the St. Louis Climate Summit. Panelists will discuss effects of the destruction of natural resources, as a result of climate change, on the world and our economic models. The... Read More

Three Visualizations of Footprint Trends, 1961-2014

We used the Google data platform to create visualizations of three trends from our new National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts 2018 Edition, which launched Monday, April 9, in Europe and will launch Monday, April 16, in the United States. In... Read More

The Daily Herald: Country running at ‘ecological deficit’

COLE BAY―A lack of local food production, unrestricted and uninspected development, insufficient use of renewable energy, solid waste issues, no terrestrial conservation areas, and ineffective public transport have resulted in St. Maarten running at an ecological deficit,”says environmental agency St.... Read More

Has humanity’s Ecological Footprint reached its peak?

Humanity’s total Ecological Footprint—a measure of global demand for natural resources—remained virtually constant in 2014 compared to 2013, according to new data released by Global Footprint Network today at an event at Oxford University. In another positive sign, the global... Read More

El Nuevo Siglo: Un planeta sediento

A mediados de año pasado la prestigiosa organización no gubernamental Global Footprint Network reveló un curioso indicador: el 2 de agosto de 2017 la humanidad ya habría consumido la totalidad de recursos que el planeta podía renovar en un año.... Read More