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The Power of Food

This year, Earth Overshoot Day falls on August 2nd. That’s the consequence of humanity demanding 70% more than Earth’s ecosystems are able to regenerate. Food makes up a large part of our Ecological Footprint – feeding humanity currently takes just... Read More

RAI NEWS: Italia in overshoot day

Acqua, cibo e anche legno o gas. La lista delle risorse naturali è lunghissima e l’umanità le consuma a un ritmo impressionante. Il giorno in cui l’umanità esaurisce le risorse che il Pianeta è in grado di rigenerare nel corso... Read More

Listen to the Earth

The concept of Earth Overshoot Day is featured in author, illustrator, and designer of several critically acclaimed children’s books Carme Lemniscates’ latest book Listen to the Earth. Fun children’s activities based on the book, including a coloring page and puzzles, are... Read More

Escape from Overshoot

Prof. Peter Victor, our colleague from York University, has authored a book about the 21st century’s most debilitating disease: global overshoot. His book reveals the symptoms of persistent overshoot, delivers many options for addressing the problem, and assures us that... Read More

Swiss Deficit Day:
Switzerland is 32nd out of 35

By Dr. Mathis Wackernagel, Dr. Anita Frehner, Dr. Lucas Grob, Dr. Adrian Müller, Dr. David Lin Global Footprint Network, FiBL, & Swiss Food Research DEUTSCHE VERSION UNTEN This piece provides background to Swiss Deficit Day, or the day of the... Read More