Post Archive

Ecotourism Footprint Calculator launches today

Riding horses in Camargue, France OAKLAND, CA, USA — OCTOBER 22, 2019 — Protected Areas and tour operators can now use an industry-specific online calculator to assess and manage the Ecological Footprint of ecotourism packages. Unveiled today at an event... Read More

The business case for one-planet prosperity

UPDATE: Read the op-ed by Mathis Wackernagel, founder and president of Global Footprint Network, and Jean-Pascal Tricoire, CEO and chairman of Schneider Electric, in the magazine Fortune.   Ahead of Earth Overshoot Day this July 29, Schneider Electric, the leader in... Read More

Earth Overshoot Day 2019 is July 29th, the earliest ever

Available in additional languages OAKLAND, CA, USA — JUNE 26, 2019 — On July 29, humanity will have used nature’s resource budget for the entire year, according to Global Footprint Network, an international sustainability organization that has pioneered the Ecological Footprint. The Ecological... Read More

Mathis vs. Malthus:

Can countries escape the resource trap?

By Mathis Wackernagel, Ph.D. Humanity has achieved so much, including rising longevity around the world, hyper-connectivity, easy and cheap access to information, incredibly safe mobility. Yet there are critical arenas in which progress is so slow that it is starting... Read More

BBC: Europe 'takes too much of Earth resources'

People in Europe are snatching more than their fair share of the world’s resources, a report says today. It says Europeans emit too much carbon, eat too much food, use large amounts of timber and occupy too much built space.... Read More