Post Archive

EVENT: Hospitality Summit

7. & 8. September 2021 Halle 550 Zürich OerlikonGemeinsam Perspektiven schaffen.Am ersten Schweizer Beherbergungskongress treffen sich die Entscheidungsträger:innen der Hospitality Branche mit hochkarätigen, inspirierenden Referentinnen, Referenten und Gästen. Hier diskutieren wir gemeinsam die Themen, die Sie täglich betreffen. Gemeinsam beleuchten... Read More

DREES&SOMMER HYBRID EVENT: European Dialog Initiative 2021

On 16 September, join Dr. Mathis Wackernagel for his presentation at the European Dialog Initiative 2021. The event is a cross-industrial, international dialog between European Key Players offering keynotes, several roundtables and panel discussions about the impact of the European... Read More

ISSP: My Obsession with Overshoot

There is no other possible future than a regenerative one. This means that, rather than living off depletion and liquidation as we currently do, we will live off what the biosphere can renew. Because by definition, we cannot deplete forever,... Read More

Ecobytes: What difference do electric vehicles truly make?

This blog post is part of the Ecobytes series, where we explore interesting topics from Ecological Footprint and biocapacity data conducted and authored by our wonderful interns. This week, Meghan Pletsch dives into data on electric vehicles. Meghan is a... Read More