Berlin (dpa) – Die Menschheit hat die natürlich verfügbaren Ressourcen bereits komplett aufgebraucht. Der sogenannte Erdüberlastungstag fällt nach Berechnung der Forschungsorganisation Global Footprint in diesem Jahr schon auf den 1. August – so früh lebte die Weltbevölkerung noch nie auf...
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Qual è la nostra impronta sull’ambiente? Quanto pesa il nostro stile di vita sulle risorse che il pianeta può produrre? E come sarà il nostro futuro, nell’ottica della sostenibilità? Appuntamento domani mattina, martedì 5 giugno, nei suggestivi spazi dell’Ara Pacis,...
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EMPREINTE ECOLOGIQUE Le think tank Global Footprint Network a fait le calcul : si le monde vivait comme les Français alors ce samedi 5 mai, nous aurions déjà consommé l’ensemble des ressources naturelles que la planète peut renouveler en un...
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Les cultures intensives mettent notamment en péril la biocapacité de la planète. La France a commencé à réduire son déficit budgétaire, mais son déficit écologique, lui, continue de se creuser inexorablement. C’est l’alerte que lance le WWF dans un rapport...
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O dia da Terra, 22 de Abril, foi introduzido para nos levar a reflectir sobre o planeta onde habitamos. Actualmente, a humanidade vive à custa do consumo dos recursos renováveis da Terra como se houvesse mais dois planetas. Apesar destes...
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Suomalaiset ovat vähentäneet nopeasti muovikassien ja -pussien käyttöä kaupoissa. Yli tuhat yritystä on mukana muovikassisopimuksessa, jolla pyritään vähentämään EU-direktiivin mukaisesti muovijätteen syntymistä ja merten roskaantumista.
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COLE BAY―A lack of local food production, unrestricted and uninspected development, insufficient use of renewable energy, solid waste issues, no terrestrial conservation areas, and ineffective public transport have resulted in St. Maarten running at an ecological deficit,”says environmental agency St....
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A mediados de año pasado la prestigiosa organización no gubernamental Global Footprint Network reveló un curioso indicador: el 2 de agosto de 2017 la humanidad ya habría consumido la totalidad de recursos que el planeta podía renovar en un año....
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Our ecological footprint exceeds the Earth’s capacity to regenerate. A number of useful indicators and frameworks have been developed to measure the ecological impact that humanity and its dominant economic system with its patterns of production, consumption and waste-disposal are...
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Every year for the past few years, the ecomotive team at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands has built an electric concept city car of the future. This year’s project is called Noah, and is being billed as...
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