The planet is facing a “ghastly future of mass extinction, declining health and climate-disruption upheavals” that threaten human survival because of ignorance and inaction, according to an international group of scientists, who warn people still haven’t grasped the urgency of...
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Anyone with even a passing interest in the global environment knows all is not well. But just how bad is the situation? Our new paper shows the outlook for life on Earth is more dire than is generally understood. The...
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I suoi abitanti vantano un alto tasso di benes-sere. Vivono in case ricoperte da legno di quercia isolante e coi pannelli fotovoltaici sui tetti. Le finestre hanno tripli vetri e gli appartamenti sono rinfrescati da convogliatori d’aria collegati a camini...
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Portugal importa 73% dos alimentos e é o país mediterrânico com a maior pegada alimentar per capita, conclui um estudo da Universidade de Aveiro (UA), divulgado esta segunda-feira. “A alimentação pesa 30% na pegada ecológica dos portugueses, mais do que os transportes ou...
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I am proud to be a sack of ocean water walking on land. After all, life started to evolve in our planet’s oceans. Some life forms bagged up that water, added legs, and started to live on land. We, people,...
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“HUMAN BEINGS have overrun the world.” So laments Sir David Attenborough, a world-famous nonagenarian naturalist, in his new film, “David Attenborough: A Life on our Planet”. The film charts the “devastating changes” that humans have wrought on the planet’s biodiversity....
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Comemos em excesso, importamos demasiado e desperdiçamos muito. Tudo isso leva-nos a ultrapassar os limites da capacidade de regeneração dos recursos naturais do território e do mar que nos circunda. Para satisfazer tanta “gula”, importamos 73% dos alimentos, e só...
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По данным GFN, международной экспертной организации, с 2006 года на ежегодной основе подсчитывающей нагрузку, оказываемую мировой экономикой и отдельными странами на экосистемы планеты, к 22 августа человечество использует такое количество природных ресурсов, какое Земля способна восстановить только в течение целого...
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The rate at which humanity is consuming the Earth’s resources declined sharply this year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to researchers. Consequently, Earth Overshoot Day, the point at which human consumption exceeds the amount nature can regenerate...
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Saturday is Earth Overshoot Day, the date when humanity will have used “all the biological resources that Earth can renew during the entire year,” as calculated by Global Footprint Network, an environmental research organization. The group has been doing this...
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