COP26 si è conclusa da poco, con l’inevitabile strascico di appelli, polemiche e speranze. Per qualche giorno, tutti i media del Pianeta hanno parlato di livelli di CO₂ e di deforestazione, di innalzamento delle temperature e di decarbonizzazione. Poi, come sempre succede...
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Der gebürtige Baseler Mathis Wackernagel entwickelte nach dem Ingenieurstudium an der ETH Zürich im Rahmen seiner Doktorarbeit an der University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Kanada) gemeinsam mit dem Ökologen William Rees das Konzept des Ökologischen Fußabdrucks. Wackernagel leitet das...
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Climate change is not the problem. It is merely the most dramatic symptom of a major challenge that humanity is reluctant to acknowledge: We use more goods and services from nature than ecosystems can sustainably renew. More precisely, we use...
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There is no other possible future than a regenerative one. This means that, rather than living off depletion and liquidation as we currently do, we will live off what the biosphere can renew. Because by definition, we cannot deplete forever,...
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Warum? Diese Frage treibt Mathis Wackernagel seit fast drei Jahrzehnten um. Warum wollen die Menschen nicht wahrhaben, dass sie die Natur übernutzen? Warum nehmen sie sich sorglos immer mehr von der Natur, als unsere Erde erneuern kann? Und warum tun...
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Qual è il significato dell’Overshoot day, e come viene calcolata la sua cadenza annuale? «L’Earth Overshoot day, o in italiano il giorno del sovrasfruttamento della Terra, viene calcolato a partire dai dati dell’impronta ecologica e della biocapacità delle nazioni del...
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In Sri Lanka, currently, we have a precious window of opportunity to choose an economic path that is either sustainable or one that deviates us from true success. Sustainable development in simple terms means socio-economic development for all within the possibilities...
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Nearly three-quarters of all people live in nations where the average income is below the global mean and natural resource extraction is outpacing regeneration, new research shows. The study, published in Nature Sustainability on Monday, comes from the same researchers who measure Earth’s annual...
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The European Parliament on Tuesday called for the EU to introduce binding targets to use recycled content in products and consume fewer raw materials, to curb the pile-up of plastic pollution and stop reusable materials being wasted. The European Union’s...
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“Estamos sentados num barco, e há uma tempestade a aproximar-se. Essa tempestade chama-se ‘mudanças climáticas’. Nesta altura, todos dizem: ‘Vamos reunir, vamos decidir quem remenda o barco primeiro’ e ‘não vou remendar o meu barco antes de remendares o teu’....
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