La date est fatidique, et toujours plus précoce. Depuis mercredi 2 août, l’humanité vit à crédit : elle a consommé, en seulement sept mois, toutes les ressources que la Terre peut produire en une année. Jusqu’à la fin de 2017,...
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President Trump has acted on his campaign promises to reverse Obama’s environmental policies…The United States is one of the world’s biggest consumers, and U.S. policies can have global environmental effects. As of 2013, the world’s population would need 1.7 Earths...
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While many countries have made concerted efforts in recent years to reduce their carbon footprint in an attempt to slow global warming, most are still consuming far more than the earth can support and thereby creating an ecological footprint that...
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Unlike Gov. Jerry Brown, I don’t “like to think about catastrophe” when considering how the world is addressing climate change. However, I second his statement made at a climate change conference in San Francisco during Earth Week, that “we’ve got...
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Finns have already drained their share of the planet’s natural resource budget for the year. WWF Finland reported yesterday, citing calculations made by the Global Footprint Network, that the country reached its overshoot day on 3 April, 2017.
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Los españoles necesitan de media 3,7 hectáreas para satisfacer sus consumos y absorber sus residuos. Es decir, casi el triple de lo que el territorio español ofrece. Con el ritmo de vida de los españoles, sería necesario que España fuera...
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The Trump Administration says undoing the Clean Power Plan would help the economy and bring back coal jobs. But our latest data show Trump’s climate policies run counter to significant 21st-century gains the United States has made decoupling economic expansion...
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The SDG Index reveals that the Sustainable Development Goals are vastly underperforming on sustainability. This may undermine humanity’s progress in development.
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Vertebrae species are suffering big declines in numbers, according to the latest bi-annual Living Planet Report. “The smaller the populations get, the higher the likelihood that you have species extinction,” says Mathis Wackernagel, CEO of Global Footprint.
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