
From "free-riding" to having "skin in the game"

by Mathis Wackernagel, Co-Founder and President In the second installment of our ongoing series “Three Decades & Counting: Insights from successes and failures in 30+ years of communicating about sustainability,” Mathis Wackernagel explores the perceptions and misperceptions of climate action... Read More


72% of the world population live in countries faced with a precarious situation. These countries both (1) run a biological resource deficit (where demand for biological resources exceeds regeneration) and (2) generate less than world-average income, limiting their ability to... Read More

Engaging audiences for sustainability action

Learning from our Successes and Failures – and from YOU! by Mathis Wackernagel, Co-Founder and President There is ever more indication that the current narratives around sustainability, climate, and resource use have not succeeded in winning people’s hearts and minds.... Read More

Highlights from 2020

We had no idea what 2020 had in store for the world when we kicked off the year with a clear intent: amplifying our impact through the new decade. Given all the challenges of the year, we are pleased with... Read More

Bright spots from 2020

In a year seemingly filled with more darkness than light—global pandemic, fires, social injustices, hurricanes, to name a few—we’re highlighting “bright spots” that didn’t make mainstream. We want all to thrive and be prosperous on our one planet, so we’re... Read More

7th Portuguese town announces its Footprint results

Portugal’s City Footprinting initiative marked a new milestone yesterday, as the second cohort of municipalities to join the program started publishing the results of their Footprint assessment yesterday. In the city of Barcelos, masked elected officials and researchers from the... Read More

Lessons from the Coronavirus?

“COVID-19 teaches us that we are one biology. Hence our fates are intertwined. You protect everybody, by protecting yourself. The same holds true for climate and sustainability.” Who would have thought that the world would be transformed by a microscopic... Read More

Scotland, new biocapacity leader?

By Professor Pat Hanscom, Mathis Wackernagel, Ph.D., and Nicola Horsburgh   Scotland may be close to running a biocapacity reserve, becoming a biocapacity leader in its own right, new research from the University of Stirling has found. Scotland has about... Read More