
World leaders agree to end fossil fuel age

The climate pact approved in Paris Saturday represents a huge historic step in re-imagining a fossil-free future for our planet. We consider it nothing short of amazing that 195 countries around the world—including oil-exporting nations—agreed to keep global temperature rise... Read More

Mediterranean Initiative

The Mediterranean is a unique biodiversity hotspot and tourist destination. One third of all tourists worldwide visit the Mediterranean region every year. Unsustainable consumption and development trends, however, threaten the ecological assets that are the Mediterranean region’s most valuable sources... Read More

Committing to a New Future

The United Nations launches global goals to achieve humanity’s collective dream: sustainable development Download Our Sustainable Development Poster This week marks an extraordinary moment for humanity. Representatives of 193 nations are convening in New York at the United Nations to... Read More

State of the States Report

In 2015, the Ecological Deficit Day of the United States landed on July 14, according to our new report, “State of the States: A New Perspective on the Wealth of Our Nation,” co-authored by Earth Economics. A Twitter chat on... Read More

Could Earth Day 2015 be the tipping point?

Earth Day’s 45th anniversary is being celebrated today around the world. On this day—less than one-third into the calendar year—humanity already has used about half of all renewable natural resources and services that the planet can generate this year, according... Read More

Cloughjordan leads the way toward sustainable living

If everyone on Earth lived the lifestyle of the Cloughjordan Ecovillage, we would be remarkably close to living within the budget of our planet’s ecological resources. Researcher Vince Carragher’s bottom-up Ecological Footprint accounting methodology helps residents stay on track. Seven... Read More