
Can China transform into an ecological civilization?

Creating an economy that operates in harmony with nature is the centerpiece of China President Xi Jinpig’s vision of transforming the country into an ecological civilization. Can China become such a civilization? To find out, we engaged with the Province... Read More

Can the UK survive on its own?

In the wake of the stunning Brexit vote results, we ask, what does it take to the support the UK’s demand for natural resources? Consider this: The UK’s forest land only covers 3% of UK resident’s demand for forest products... Read More

Footprint Futures

A Teaching Module on Human Dependence on the Biosphere Footprint Futures is a college-level teaching module for exploring the sustainability challenge facing human economies. This challenge is described as “improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying... Read More

PRI calls for systematic integration of ESG in credit ratings

Global Footprint Network first began encouraging greater environmental risk integration into bond credit analysis five years ago. Since then, a growing number of fixed income investors are following suit. We are particularly delighted by the recent announcement PRI (Principles for... Read More

Celebrating trees on Earth Day

#pledgefortheplanet Together with our partner Earth Day Network, we’re happy to give trees a special nod today. At Global Footprint Network, we have a soft spot for trees and forests. They are an essential pool of biodiversity. And they are... Read More

Imagine happiness treading lightly on the Earth

How did you celebrate UN World Happiness Day last Sunday? All of us had plenty to chew on with the release of the World Happiness Report 2016—the fourth edition since 2012. Prepared by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, an international... Read More

ENERGY LAB (Zürich, 10 May 2016)

Im Energy Lab suchten wir nach den gemeinsamen Eckpunkten und Grundprinzipien der diversen Teilnehmer für eine Energiepolitik der Schweiz nach dem Pariser Klima Abkommen. Energy Lab: Wie werden wir die Schweiz antreiben? (Agenda) Der Klimawandel stellt die zukünftige Nutzung fossiler... Read More

FOOD LAB (Bern, 17 Mai 2016)

Im Food Lab suchen wir nach den gemeinsamen Eckpunkten und Grundprinzipien der diversen Teilnehmer für eine Nahrungsmittelpolitik der Schweiz nach dem Pariser Klima Abkommen. Food Lab: Wer wird die Schweiz ernähren? (Agenda) Das Ziel von Paris unter 2 Grad Celsius... Read More