
Building global trust for a future that works for all

It is an understatement to say that everybody, in Europe, the US, Asia, Africa, the Americas, and possibly in Antarctica was surprised today. All life depends on healthy ecosystems. Depleting the natural capital that supports us hurts everybody: Republicans and... Read More

Guiding sustainability in Montenegro

In the wake of last month’s elections in Montenegro, we are confident the new government will maintain its commitment to the 3.5-year-long process of revising the country’s National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD), which, through many consultations with diverse stakeholders,... Read More

How Switzerland made history with green economy vote

This weekend, Switzerland made world history, even though not as much as we would have liked. Switzerland was the first country to vote on whether to implement a green economy. The green economy ballot initiative encouraged resource efficiency and implementation... Read More

One-planet living: Switzerland’s next commitment?

On September 25, Swiss voters will head to the polls to decide on a bold initiative to put Switzerland on the path of a green economy. Initiated by members of the Green Party and the Social Democrats, this ballot initiative... Read More

Remembering environmental pioneer Luc Hoffmann

On July 21, we lost one of the most effective and yet very quiet giants of the environmental movement, Luc Hoffmann. After a full and transformational life, he passed in one of his dearest places, the Camargue in the South... Read More

Sustainable development: two indices, two different views

It’s been a busy day for launching new country rankings. Today (July 20), the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) released a 427-page report ranking countries by 77 indicators tied to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals approved last year. The... Read More

Footprint calculator scores high marks in high schools

High schools around the world have integrated the Ecological Footprint calculator into their curricula. Governments and organizations, including the United Nations and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, are also catching on to the importance of environmental education in meeting long-term sustainability... Read More