
Six cities in Portugal sign on to Footprint initiative

Imagine if a city’s funding from the national government were calculated based on its Ecological Footprint and available resources. That’s a novel concept that will be tested by six cities in Portugal as part of a three-year project with Global... Read More

Attention educators:
calculator troubleshooting

Updated September 30, 2020 Dear Educators, Thank you for using our Ecological Footprint Calculator in your classroom! If you are having some problems using the calculator, we are offering you some suggestions here as well as some background on why... Read More

Why sustainability hinges on food choices

Understanding humanity’s approach to food (including production, consumption, and waste) is essential to designing global sustainability, argues Alessandro Galli, Global Footprint Network Senior Scientist and Director of the Mediterranean Program, in an article recently published by esglobal, the latest iteration... Read More

Expanding Our Calculator’s Footprint

Our biggest feat this year was launching a new mobile-friendly Footprint Calculator just in time for Earth Overshoot Day, which allows users to calculate their Footprint and their personal Overshoot Day. We were blown away by the number of users... Read More

The Huge (or Tiny) Ecological Footprint of Cannabis

What is the Ecological Footprint of pot? Global Footprint Network tackled that question recently in an analysis of the Ecological Footprint of medical cannabis production in three locations—Colombia, Washington, and Colorado—for PharmaCielo, a Colombian medical cannabis producer headquartered in Canada.... Read More

We need a new Footprint Calculator!

Are you one of the two million people who used our Ecological Footprint Calculator last year?If so, you know it’s value and impact. You also know an update of the calculator is overdue. Help us make it even more accessible,... Read More