
New Study Highlights Educational Benefits of Footprint Calculator

 A new study of the Ecological Footprint Calculator used in classrooms in Italy and the UK identified several educational benefits, including making sustainability personal for students and providing insight on how daily activities affect national and global sustainability. The... Read More

Friends of the Footprint Calculator

Friends of our Ecological Footprint Calculator around the world share their experiences using this popular tool as students and educators. Join our Adopt-a-Country campaign now to add languages and country data to the calculator to educate millions more people about... Read More

Philippines Footprint Report:
A look at Northern Mindanao

Global Footprint Network collaborated with the Philippine government and the Agence Française de Developpement (AFD) to undertake a study of the Northern Mindanao/Bukidnon river basin region to understand the benefits of integrating Ecological Footprint and biocapacity frameworks into climate resilient... Read More

Data Stories: Russia

We are excited to be launching a new video series called “Data Stories” to showcase the myriad ways our Footprint data is used around the world. Watch our debut segment to find out what we’re “disclosing.” We also share some... Read More

Sailing one’s Footprint away

Sailing brought IT wizard, Robert Williams, to Global Footprint Network 12 years ago, and now, sadly, it will take him away from us as well. After navigating the ins and outs of our IT infrastructure for 12 years, including the... Read More

Switzerland, where are your two extra planets?

Happy anniversary! It is now just one year since Swiss voters decided whether they want to live within the means of one Earth by 2050. If everybody on this planet lived like people in Switzerland today, it would take more... Read More