
BBC: Global Footprint

We are often told that we consume so much that we need one and a half planets. It comes from the Global Footprint Network a think-tank that has pioneered ecological foot-printing but what does that number even mean, and is... Read More


Calgary, the largest city in Alberta, Canada, was the first city to develop specific Ecological Footprint reduction targets. With a population of nearly 1.2 million, Calgary is located in the southern part of Alberta, nestled in the foothills of the... Read More


The most biologically diverse country in the world, Ecuador was once a place where natural wealth vastly exceeded what the population demanded to support its activities and absorb its CO2 emissions. Today, that surplus has all but evaporated, and the... Read More

Heures 24 Sur La Terre: Mathis 2014

Mathis Wackernal était interviewé le 5 décembre 2014 en direct de Marseille dans le cadre de la quatrième édition de “24 heures sur la Terre”, un plateau télé ouvert au public en direct avec le monde entier pendant 24 heures... Read More

The Ecological Cost of Human Development

The Ecological Cost of Human Development: A Scientific Framework for Promoting Sustainable Development Policies from ETA Communications on Vimeo. An EETD Seminar on September 26, 2013 — Speaker: Mathis Wackernagel, Global Footprint Network Sustainable human development will occur when all... Read More

Globo Ecologio: Mathis Wackernagel

In its season premiere, the “Globo Ecologio” show features the Ecological Footprint, Global Footprint Network partner, ecosSISTEMAS, and an interview with Footprint co-founder, Mathis Wackernagel. “This first episode shows what Brazil is doing in order to decrease its Footprint and... Read More

Measuring the Footprint of the 'World's Greenest City'

Some 50 square meters of parkland per inhabitant. A food-for-trash program that supports a 70-percent citywide recycling rate: the highest in the world. A public transportation system that carries 1.9 million riders a day, 70 percent of commuter traffic. A... Read More

The Ecological Footprint: Accounting for a Small Planet

In this documentary-style film, Mathis Wackernagel introduces the Ecological Footprint and, in 30 minutes, paints a picture of our current global situation. Wackernagel explores the implications of ecological deficits and provides examples of how governments, communities and businesses are using... Read More