FOCUS ITALIA: Quanto è verde la tua impronta?

I suoi abitanti vantano un alto tasso di benes-sere. Vivono in case ricoperte da legno di quercia isolante e coi pannelli fotovoltaici sui tetti. Le finestre hanno tripli vetri e gli appartamenti sono rinfrescati da convogliatori d’aria collegati a camini... Read More

VIRTUAL EVENT: EUSTEPs 1st Multiplier Event

Watch the event recording 27 January 2021, 10 am – 11:15 am CET Education is increasingly gaining a central role in easing the transition to a sustainable world. However, too few universities are properly equipped to teach sustainability in a... Read More

Bright spots from 2020

In a year seemingly filled with more darkness than light—global pandemic, fires, social injustices, hurricanes, to name a few—we’re highlighting “bright spots” that didn’t make mainstream. We want all to thrive and be prosperous on our one planet, so we’re... Read More

PUBLICO: Portugal tem a maior pegada alimentar do Mediterrâneo

Portugal importa 73% dos alimentos e é o país mediterrânico com a maior pegada alimentar per capita, conclui um estudo da Universidade de Aveiro (UA), divulgado esta segunda-feira. “A alimentação pesa 30% na pegada ecológica dos portugueses, mais do que os transportes ou... Read More

7th Portuguese town announces its Footprint results

Portugal’s City Footprinting initiative marked a new milestone yesterday, as the second cohort of municipalities to join the program started publishing the results of their Footprint assessment yesterday. In the city of Barcelos, masked elected officials and researchers from the... Read More

Japan: Two Decades of Ecological Footprinting

Updated April 2023 In 1996, Japan was the first country to officially adopt the Ecological Footprint. Now, Global Footprint Network works with Ecological Footprint Japan to serve Japan’s cities, businesses, regional governments, national ministries, research organizations, and NGOs.   Jump... Read More