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Three Visualizations of Footprint Trends, 1961-2014

We used the Google data platform to create visualizations of three trends from our new National Footprint and Biocapacity Accounts 2018 Edition, which launched Monday, April 9, in Europe and will launch Monday, April 16, in the United States.

In the first visualization below, check out the dramatic change in Footprints by region over time, with Asia skyrocketing by Europe and North America. (Click the play button in the lower left corner of the graphic.)

<iframe width=”400″ height=”325″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ src=”https://www.google.com/publicdata/embed?ds=z4gmer1hc5n8o7_&amp;ctype=c&amp;strail=false&amp;bcs=d&amp;nselm=s&amp;met_y=eftot&amp;scale_y=lin&amp;ind_y=false&amp;idim=region:5002:5142:5150:5419:5009:5021&amp;ifdim=region&amp;hl=en_US&amp;dl=en_US&amp;ind=false&amp;icfg”></iframe>

The second visualization below shows how large country Footprints change over time. Notice the United States and China. (Click a bar to identify which country it represents.)

The third visualization below plots the Ecological Footprint per person of countries on the x-axis and U.N. Human Development Index (HDI) on the y-axis. It shows one piece of good news: The quality of life is improving around the world, as measured by HDI, a composite index based on education, longevity, and income. A score of 0.7 is “high human development.” However, the graph also shows that as HDI increases, so does the Ecological Footprint per person. (Click the play button in the lower left corner. Click on a dot to see which country it represents.)

Explore our National Footprint Accounts 2018 at http://data.footprintnetwork.org.

Download our free Public Data Package at www.footprintnetwork.org/public.


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